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What does dynamic meditation do?
The first thing to understand about dynamic meditation is that it is a way to create a situation in which meditation can occur through tension. If your whole existence is completely tense, the only possibility left is to relax. Generally speaking, a person can't relax directly, but if your whole existence is at the peak of complete tension, then the second step will come automatically: peace is created.

The first three stages of this technique are to make all levels of your existence reach the peak of tension. The first layer is the body. On top of that is prana sharir, the important body: this is your second body, the etheric body. Above that is the third body, the astral body.

Your life depends on breathing. If the normal inhaled oxygen changes, life will inevitably change. In the first stage of this technique, 10 minutes of deep breathing and rapid breathing is a means to change your whole life chemistry.

This breathing must be deep and fast-as deep and fast as possible. If you can't do both, you must do it quickly. Shortness of breath becomes a blow to life, and the sleeping things begin to wake up: the reservoir of your energy is opened. This breathing is like an electric current passing through the whole nervous system.

So you must do the first stage as violently and strongly as possible. You must be completely immersed in it; You shouldn't be out there at all. In the first stage, your whole life should be breathing.

You are in a state of confusion: inhaling and exhaling. Your whole mind is in this process-exhaling and inhaling. If you are completely immersed in it, thinking will stop, because you have no energy to enter thinking-no energy to keep them active.

Then, when your inner body is electrically activated, the second stage begins. When creatures can start circulating in your body and flow through your whole nervous system, many things are possible for your body. You must let go and let your body do whatever it wants.

The second stage is not only an open state, but also a state of active cooperation. You must cooperate with your body, because generally speaking, the body as a symbolic language has been lost. If your body wants to dance, you won't feel this message. So, if there is a little tendency to dance in the second stage, cooperate; Only then will you understand its language.

No matter what happens in the second stage of 10 minutes, you should try your best. In the whole process of this technique, everything is below the limit. You may start dancing, laughing or crying.

No matter what you meet, no matter how energy wants to express itself, cooperate with it. At first, it will be just an intuition, just a gentle temptation-it is so gentle that if you want to suppress it, it will not appear at the level of consciousness at all. Can be suppressed unconsciously.

So, if you have any intuition, any flicker, any sign in your mind, cooperate with it and do your best. Only in extreme cases will you be nervous. If the dance doesn't reach its peak, it won't be effective and there won't be any results; People danced many times, but there was no result. So dancing must be at the limit-and there is no plan, just instinctively or intuitively; Do not involve your reasons or reasons.

In the second stage, you just become a body, fully integrated with it, and identified with it-just like in the first stage, you just become a breath. Once you push your activities to the limit, a brand-new feeling will rise in your heart. Some things will be broken: you will see that your body is like something separate from you; You're just an observer. You don't need to try to be a witness, you just need to completely identify with your body and let it do whatever it wants and go where it wants to go.

When the activity reaches the limit-dancing, crying, laughing, illogical, doing anything messy-then something happens: you become a bystander.

This is the second stage of this technology. Only by doing the first stage completely can we enter the second stage. It's like car gear: only when the speed of first gear reaches the limit can you shift to second gear. What we are involved in dynamic meditation is the transfer of mind. If both the body and the first gear are taken to the limit by breathing, then you can shift to the second gear. Then the second gear must be completely nervous: participation, entry, and no reservation.

Love When you practice dynamic meditation for the first time, it will be very difficult, because we have severely depressed our bodies, and the depressed lifestyle has become natural for us. This is unnatural! Look at a child: he plays with his body in a completely different way. If he cries, he cries badly. Listening to children cry is beautiful, but adults cry is ugly. Even a child is beautiful in anger; He is very nervous. But when an adult is angry, he is ugly; He's not completely. Any kind of intensity is beautiful.

This second stage is difficult only because of the severe depression in our body, but if you cooperate with the body, then this forgotten language will be remembered again. You became a child. When you become a child, a new feeling comes to you: you become weightless-a body without depression becomes weightless.

When the body is completely free from depression, all the depression accumulated in your life is thrown out. This is venting. A person who has experienced this kind of venting can never go crazy; It is out of the question. If a crazy person can be persuaded to do so, he will return to normal. A person who goes through this process transcends madness: through all these venting, potential seeds are destroyed and burned.

The second step is psychotherapy. Only when a person has experienced madness can he enter meditation. A person must be thoroughly cleaned up; All the messy things must be thrown away. Our civilization teaches us to suppress, put things in it, make everything unconscious, become an indispensable part of the soul, and create great chaos for the whole life.

Every repressed ghost has become a potential seed of madness. This must be eliminated. The more civilized a person becomes, the greater his potential for madness. An uncivilized person is unlikely to go crazy because he also knows body language.

He is not physically depressed; His body is the flower of his life.

This second stage must be completely completed. You must not be outside your body; You must be in there. When you do something, do it thoroughly: be an actor, not a doer. When I love you, I am inside, but when I perform love, I am outside.

In the second stage, many things are possible-different things will happen to everyone. One person will start dancing, and the other will start crying. One person will become naked, another person will start jumping, and others will start laughing. Anything is possible.

Move completely from the inside, so that you can enter the third stage.

The third stage is an automatic result. In the first stage, bioelectricity-or you can call it Kundalini-is awakened. It begins to circulate. Only in this way can the body be completely released, not before. Only when the inner movement begins, the outer movement is possible.

When the second stage of venting was brought to the peak and limit, the third stage 10 minute began. Start violence and repeat Sophie's spell: Hoo! Oh! Oh! (hoo! ) awakened by breathing, the energy released by venting now begins to move inward and upward; This spell transfers energy.

Before it moves down and out; Now it begins to move inward and upward. Love keeps hitting this voice from the heart-hoo! Oh! Oh! -Until your whole being becomes this sound. You must completely exhaust yourself; Only in this way can the fourth stage and meditation take place.

There is nothing in the fourth stage-only calm and waiting. If you enter the first three stages completely and unreservedly, you will automatically fall into a deep relaxation in the fourth stage. Physical exhaustion; All the depression was thrown out, and all the thoughts were thrown out. Relaxation is spontaneous now-you don't have to do anything to make it happen. This is the starting point of meditation.