The life system of the sketch is very scientific and rigorous. Every material, paragraph, sentence, word and even punctuation in the composition is determined by the experts in the proposition group. Many people write in a hurry without carefully examining the questions. As a result, the answer digress Wan Li, even beyond the word set. Therefore, in the process of preparing for the exam, we must carefully examine the questions, clarify the core tasks in the questions, and then accurately locate the answers from the materials.
The answer requirements of each question are also detailed, and the requirements of each question will determine the scoring standard of the whole question. Some candidates ignore the answer requirements in the exam, and it is not enough to only examine the dry part of the question. Therefore, in the examination process, we need to make a detailed analysis of the answer requirements and present reasonable answers in strict accordance with the requirements.
Second, the answer is found in the materials.
Many candidates will add too much personal subjective direction in the process of answering questions, which leads to our answers running counter to the correct answers. There is an essential difference between the application and other exams, which requires candidates to read carefully, analyze accurately and refine the answers with given information.
Third, control the number of words reasonably.
For the application, it is king to present more key answers with reasonable words, and the word limit will be clearly given in the demand. We can establish the sensitivity to the number of words when examining the questions, so as to determine the details of the answers and give the most comprehensive answers within the specified number of words.
Fourth, seize the time.
In previous exams, many candidates would say that there was not enough time to answer all the papers. In fact, this problem can be avoided through constant practice. During the preparation period, you can grasp the number of words by setting papers. Generally speaking, the score of each question multiplied by 1.5 times is the time we need to use in this question, but the specific situation depends on the examinee's ability to answer various questions, and at least one hour should be reserved for the big composition.