(1) analysis
Analysis is one of the tools of TRIZ and an important stage to solve problems. The purpose of functional analysis is to analyze systems, subsystems and components from the perspective of completing functions rather than from the perspective of technology. The ideal solution is to describe the reasons for innovation in language independent of technology and implementation. The important progress of innovation is often achieved by in-depth understanding of the problem at this stage. Identifying the components that make the system unable to idealize is the key to the success of innovation. The process from a point to an ideal solution in the design process is called an idealization process. The analysis of available resources is to determine available items, energy, information, functions, etc. The combination of these available resources and some components in the system will improve the performance of the system. The determination of conflict area is to understand the causes of conflict. Area can refer to both time and space. If the solution to the problem has been found in the analysis stage, it can be transferred to the implementation stage. If the solution of the problem has not been found, the solution of the problem needs the greatest innovation, and three tools based on knowledge can be used: principle, prediction and effect.
(2) principle
Principle is the way to obtain conflict resolution. There are two principles of conflict resolution: technology and physics. TRIZ guides designers to choose principles that can solve specific conflicts, provided that conflicts are determined according to standard parameters. There are 40 principles.
(3) Forecast
Forecasting is also called technical forecasting. TRIZ identified eight evolution modes of technical system. When the mode is determined, the design of systems, subsystems and components should be developed to a higher level.
(4) Effect
Effect refers to the application of related laws in this field, especially in other fields, to solve design problems, such as the application of principles in mathematics, chemistry, biology and other fields to solve innovative problems in design.
(5) Evaluation
At this stage, the obtained solution is compared with the ideal solution, and it is convinced that the improvement not only meets the technical requirements, but also promotes technological innovation. TRIZ's feature transfer method can be used to combine multiple solutions to improve the quality of the system.