Massage: Chinese medicine treats the human body by pushing, holding, lifting and kneading according to the meridian points. Massage is a non-drug natural therapy and physical therapy.
Usually, it means that doctors use their own hands to act on the patient's body surface, injured parts, uncomfortable places, specific acupoints and painful places, and use various methods and forces such as pushing, taking, pressing, rubbing, pointing and patting to achieve the effects of dredging meridians, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, healing and relieving pain, eliminating pathogenic factors and strengthening the body resistance, harmonizing yin and yang, and prolonging life.
Regulate qi and blood
Luo Hong, a health care practitioner in the Ming Dynasty, said in the book Immortal Immortal Immortality: "Massage can dredge the orifices and spin Wei Rong". Wei Rong here means to harmonize qi and blood. Because massage acts on the human body along the meridians and acupoints with soft power, it regulates the whole body through the conduction of the meridians, thus harmonizing the qi and blood of the camp and health and enhancing the health of the body.
Modern medicine believes that the mechanical stimulation of massage can increase the temperature of local tissues, promote the expansion of capillaries, improve blood and lymphatic circulation, reduce blood viscosity, reduce peripheral vascular resistance and reduce the burden on the heart, so it can prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases.
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