Acupoint catgut embedding therapy is an extension of acupuncture and a kind of meridian therapy. It is a modern alternative therapy of acupuncture and moxibustion, which embeds bio-protein lines that can be absorbed by human body into acupoints, stimulates acupoints for a long time, and dredges meridians to achieve the purpose of preventing and treating diseases.
From the origin, acupoint catgut embedding therapy is a branch of acupuncture in China, which was improved from acupoint catgut embedding therapy which originated in 1950s. When acupuncture or acupuncture, external force stimulates the acupoint, and once the needle or finger leaves the acupoint, the stimulation to the acupoint disappears. For example, patients with gastric ulcer, Chinese medicine uses acupuncture to stick a needle at Zusanli point, which will immediately relieve the pain, but after pulling out the needle, the pain will still occur. Later, the doctor buried a needle in the patient's "Zusanli" acupoint and let it stimulate the acupoint for a long time. This is the original acupoint catgut embedding therapy. From this point of view, acupoint catgut embedding therapy is a long-term acupuncture therapy, which makes up for the shortcomings of short acupuncture time, many acupuncture times, short curative effect and difficult consolidation after healing.
With the development of science, using an animal protein carrier, such as catgut instead of silver needle, can stimulate acupoints continuously and effectively to achieve the purpose of treating diseases. Because the carrier will naturally dissolve and be absorbed by the human body in a period of time, acupoint catgut embedding therapy is also named. Besides needles and catgut, there are also steel rings and magnetic blocks used in acupoint catgut embedding therapy. Although the uses of carriers are diversified, the instruments and methods used to bury carriers have been unsatisfactory. First, cut a wound on the local skin surface, bury the carrier in it, and then suture the wound (some carriers need to be taken out a few days later). Obviously, this method will bring some skin pain to patients and may also form scars. Later, hollow needles were also used to bury the thread. After the hollow needle is pulled out, the catgut remains on the acupoint, but these methods will also bring pain to the patient.
Acupoint catgut embedding therapy is widely used. At present, it is mainly used for patients with various chronic diseases who need long-term acupuncture treatment. Such as chronic enteritis, gastritis, lumbar disc herniation and sciatica. It is also often used in beauty, weight loss, health care and other projects. This therapy is used to treat acne, chloasma, obesity and human fatigue syndrome. Adapt to modern people with high work pressure and fast pace of life.
Acupoint catgut embedding therapy can regulate human meridians and make them smooth. The twelve meridians of human body is connected with viscera internally and reaches limbs externally. For example, patients with spleen deficiency and phlegm-dampness will not only cause chloasma, but also lead to obesity and symptoms of human fatigue syndrome. As long as they strengthen the spleen and promote diuresis, these conditions can be alleviated. In the course of treatment, the operator will rationally regulate liver and kidney, nourish liver and kidney, and replenish qi and blood according to clinical symptoms, so as to dredge meridians and harmonize qi and blood, so as to achieve the purpose of treating different diseases at the same time.