Zhou Yu, the commander-in-chief of Soochow, is proficient in the art of war and has superior intelligence, but he is narrow-minded and can't tolerate people. He negotiated with Zhuge Liang to break Cao's plan, but he wanted to harm Zhuge Liang. When Zhou Yu attacked Nanjun, he was shot by a poisonous arrow. When Zhuge Liang took advantage of the situation to take Nanjun, Jingzhou and Xiangyang first, Zhou Yu's arrow wound recurred and he became angry. Zhou Yu, who was ill, still tried to outsmart Jingzhou, but Zhuge Liang saw through him. Zhou Yu was angry again and died of "Yu Sheng, how can he be born bright?"
Zhuge Liang learned of Zhou Yu's death and decided to pay his respects. Liu Bei was worried that Zhuge Liang would be murdered and sent Zhao Yun with 500 warriors to protect him. In front of Zhou Yu's coffin, Zhuge Liang personally offered a libation, knelt on the ground and read a eulogy to xiaogushi8.com. Zhuge Liang burst into tears of grief. All the generals of Wu were moved. Seeing that Zhuge Liang was so wronged, Lu Su said to himself, "Zhou Liang is narrow-minded and suicidal."
Zhuge Liang learned of Zhou Yu's death and decided to pay his respects. Liu Bei was afraid that Zhuge Liang would be killed and sent Zhao Yun to take 500 soldiers to protect him. Before Zhou Yu's funeral, Zhuge Liang personally offered a libation and knelt on the ground to read a eulogy. Tears streaming down her face, she was so sad that all the people were moved. Seeing that Zhuge Liang was so sad, Lu Xiao said to himself, "Zhou Yu was narrow-minded and brought about his own destruction."