For example, Hui was trained through the nationally certified picture book reading guidance system, and then he can also provide professional training for picture book reading guidance teachers. Generally, you can become a picture book teacher by getting relevant certificates through these trainings.
Because the main teaching task of the picture book teacher is that the teacher uses the picture book material and then tells stories to achieve the teaching purpose, which belongs to a relatively mild teaching process, that is, it is not as vigorous as other teachers, so it is moderate in the training process.
Therefore, if picture book teachers want to go to training, all major training institutions are professional, but the most important thing is that they are big and qualified.
Can Nanchang take the Putonghua test without a residence permit?
Yes, but there are conditions. Only students in Nanchang a
(1) How can I get into Zurich University?
China students need to meet two requirements to enter the University of Zurich, namely, funds and studies.