There are many benefits to participating in the Red Hat certification training. The red hat certification exam has no theoretical questions, but the actual operation of the operating system. Candidates need to have a lot of practical experience and technical level. When they sign up for the training class, they will have a professional tutor to help them solve their doubts and a teacher to help them make a study plan, which will improve their learning efficiency, have a good learning environment and improve their learning motivation.
Red hat certification training fee
Red Hat Certification is a certification system introduced by Red Hat Company, which includes many certifications. Different certification requires different training fees, such as: the training fee of rhca is about 15000 yuan, the training fee of rhce is 3000-4000 yuan offline and 2200-3000 yuan online, and the prices will be different in different regions and different training institutions.
Red hat certification examination language
The Red Hat exam is bilingual in China, so the questions are in both Chinese and English. There will be options in the exam interface, and you can change the exam questions into the language you want to use. The exam is in the form of computer test, but there are no basic questions, which are all practical questions, requiring candidates to have rich practical experience and technical level.