Free monthly training generally does not appear in the monthly company. Of course, some free monthly training can be trusted, that is, the publicity released by the local Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.
Birth nanny training content
Neonatal care: bathing, touching, swimming, baby exercise, milk washing, feeding, water feeding, defecation observation, temperature measurement, umbilical cord care, cultivating baby's living habits, working and rest time, and developing newborn's potential.
Maternal care: postpartum life care, maternal nutrition guidance, nutrition collocation; Postpartum psychological guidance, postpartum common disease nursing, postpartum physical recovery.
Life care: changing diapers, cleaning and disinfection of baby clothes, disinfection of bottles, cleaning of maternity clothes, and cleaning of maternal and infant rooms.
Practice: Yue Yue needs constant practice training to become a professional Yue Yue.