Because the GWD question is regarded as the closest GMAT question by the majority of candidates and widely circulated on the Internet, it has become the GMAT OG question provided by GMAC, the organizer of GMAT GMAT exam.
Prepare questions and three necessary review materials. GWD questions are famous for their logical difficulty and reading difficulty, and they are closest to the real question bank. It has been circulating for more than ten years since 2000 and has been enduring for a long time. In the latest 13th edition of GMAT,
The official guide also contains some GWD questions.
The answer to the GWD question circulating on the Internet is controversial. Because it has been widely spread on the internet and forums in recent years, the set of questions used by everyone has changed greatly, and the answers provided by their respective versions are also controversial. At present, the most complete and authentic version should only be owned by Guan Weidong himself and Zhi Bo Education, the GMAT training institution he founded.
GWD originated from the paper test questions of GMAT at the earliest, and originated from the same historical test database as the current GMAT computer test database. In the latest GMAT test, the original question of GWD often appears, and it also appears in the latest GMAT tester classics. GWD and GMAT are no different from actual combat except in form. Therefore, when doing GWD, the grasp of time can be well exercised in the model test.