Because there is no unified Yue Yue certification in China (only the certification certificates of baby nurses and domestic servants are national), employers generally don't trust the certificate, so we suggest that the research should be oriented to improving self-worth and not to pursue high wages. It is more practical to choose a more expensive school with better quality.
The employment situation in Yue Yue is now in a state of chaos and peaceful suspension, and the market tends to be saturated with excess, because the number of people born every year fluctuates little. However, there are more and more training schools. Yue Yue works for a month and then comes out to look for a job. The market has accumulated a huge number of old Yue Yue, and the price competition has begun. The number of clubs in Confucius is also rising, so the market share is declining. The salary of working in the Confucius Club has dropped from at least five or six thousand in previous years to two or three thousand for beginners. At the intermediate level of 4,000 to 5,000, many couples are forced to become live-in nurseries, and the price is 3,000-4,000, but it is stable. Therefore, the monthly certificate has gradually become the standard for nannies, just as undergraduate students were scarce and valuable in the past, and now undergraduate courses have become the basic threshold. From the point of view of the employer, because you will try to work first, you will gradually pay less attention to the certificate. The key is your own technical level. A good training school can give you more practical skills.
From the point of view of companies that recommend employment for nanny Yue Yue, it is suggested that we should focus on improving service awareness and skills, and don't listen to too many employment rumors of classmates and friends. The number of employers with high salaries and easy jobs is extremely limited (our data shows less than 5%). Keep positive energy, not picky. After one year, the income will be much higher than other people who want to take shortcuts.
Finally, no matter where you sign up, you can come to our company to sign up for employment. If you have more questions, please feel free to contact us.