What is gyb?
GYB (generating your business ideas) training is part of the series of training courses "Starting and improving your business" (SIYB). The SIYB series of training courses include "GYB-generate your business idea", "SIYB start your business", "SIYB improve your business" and "EYB-expand your business". GYB means: generating your business ideas, which is developed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and is the first service item in the series of products of the global ILO "Start and Improve Your Business" (SIYB) project. Its main purpose is to let students establish a correct sense of entrepreneurship and guide students how to choose entrepreneurial projects. Cultivate their entrepreneurial quality, tap their entrepreneurial potential, stimulate their entrepreneurial enthusiasm, and understand the basic conditions of their own entrepreneurship and relevant government laws and regulations.

Participating in the GYB training class can: determine whether you have the ability to start a quality enterprise, generate entrepreneurial ideas, and find out the entrepreneurial ideas that are most suitable for your personal situation. GYB training helps you determine whether it is suitable for running a business. You can know your entrepreneurial quality through self-assessment, get expert guidance, and further give play to your advantages in enterprise management.

GYB training can also help you generate many business ideas. You will be guided to explore whether you can use your ability and knowledge to provide products or services to the society. You will brainstorm with other potential small bosses who attend the training course to explore entrepreneurial opportunities in your surroundings and community.

GYB training will eventually help you sort out every business idea and pick out the most attractive one, which has the least negative impact on the environment and is most suitable for your personal situation.

After the GYB training course, you will have a deeper understanding of whether you are suitable for this enterprise, and you will have a clear and feasible enterprise concept suitable for your personality and environment.