Bian Xiao gave you immunity. Through the electrician certificate, check Vega (counting 3859+ surface 2898) and you can do it directly.
There are many kinds of electrician certificates, and the electrician certificates for special operations are managed by the Safety Supervision Bureau, commonly known as work certificates. Building electrician certificate is managed by the construction department and applied to the construction field. Electrician's network access certificate is managed by the electricity supervision department, and the electrician's grade certificate applicable to network access operation is managed by the labor department.
1: 4 one-inch color photo; 5. Technical and organizational measures to ensure safety.
1 1. Operation and management of substation. 7. Electrical fire prevention, explosion prevention and fire fighting.
4. Distribution transformer. 8. Grounding and lightning protection. (2) High voltage electrician:
9. Commonly used low-voltage electrical appliances. 6. Electrical safety protection technology.
1, skill test. 3. Common electrical instruments. Electrician training registration materials: