All the nurse qualification examinations adopt multiple-choice questions. All test questions consist of a stem and five options, of which only one is the correct answer, and the rest are interference answers. The interference answer may be partially correct or completely incorrect. When answering this question, candidates need to compare the options and find out the best or most suitable option.
The examination adopts the questions of A 1, A2, A3 and A4. According to the Measures for Nurses' Professional Qualification Examination, the National Health and Family Planning Commission is responsible for organizing and implementing the nurses' professional qualification examination to evaluate whether the applicants for nurses' professional qualification have the necessary nursing professional knowledge and working ability. The nurse qualification examination implements a unified national examination outline, a unified proposition and a unified qualification standard. The eligibility criteria shall be determined and published by the examination committee.
Nurse qualification examination includes two subjects: professional practice and practical ability. Passing two subjects in one exam is considered as passing the exam. Only those who pass the exam can apply for nurse registration. Outline of Nurse Qualification Examination (Trial) is the national standard of nurse qualification examination and the basis of examination proposition. Its content and scope reflect the basic ability of practice nurses to use their professional knowledge to complete nursing work.