Is it difficult for Suntech to take the self-study exam?
It is not difficult to take the self-study exam, but I think Suntech didn't play any role at all during my study. This kind of online class is no different from buying some online class videos on Taobao. One teacher corresponds to more than 400 people in a class. Do you think the teacher can answer the students' questions? What's more, they started selling secret training materials without taking the first exam. What is the significance of this secret training material? Besides, we have a good foundation. I believe that those who have no basic lessons just look stupid. That's not how internet money is made. Your users want to make money without good service. Suggestion: service users should go offline. For example, you can engage in offline study salons and hold more exchange meetings. I believe that these costs will be much better than the promotion effect of the Internet. If you want to make money, think about serving users first, Suntech.