Ceratophyllum is a submerged aquatic plant of Ceratophyllum, a perennial herb of Ceratophyllum, also known as fine grass, soft grass and fish grass. The whole plant is dark green. The stems are slender and branched. Impeller with 6-8 blades per wheel; Sessile; Leaf blade dichotomous or divided, lobes linear, spiny and denticulate. Flowers small, unisexual, monoecious or dioecious, axillary, without perianth; Involucral bracts 8- 12, subulate; Male flowers have many stamens; The female flower has 1 pistil, and the ovary is oval with 1 cell. The style is diamond-shaped Nutlets, ovoid and smooth. Style persistent, base prickly. The flowering period is from June to July, and the fruiting period is from August to June.
Potamogeton crispus, also known as shrimp algae, shrimp grass and wheat yellow grass. Potatoes. Potatoes.