This is a very prominent contradiction. In order to solve this contradiction, college students have carried out practical training, such as learning software development. Therefore, college students can choose to learn java software development technology first and get re-employment. After all, if you want to study after work, you won't have the desire to study.
1, now is the era of technical talents, and the thinking mode of college students has already changed. Instead of looking for a job, it is better to take the initiative in your own hands. It has been accepted and put into practice by more and more college students to learn a promising new technology at present and in the future, such as java development, enhance their competitiveness and then gallop in the workplace. is a popular programming language in the world. For college students, learning java not only gets a well-paid job, but also has a comfortable working environment, a large room for personal promotion, a long career life cycle, a wide range of java applications and many corresponding employment options. So more and more college students want to learn java.
Social work is under great pressure now. If you don't have a skill, it's still difficult to find a good job. Only by learning a good skill can college students gain a foothold in society.
We often say: "One skill is strong and indomitable". In other words, as long as you master a technology, you are not afraid to travel all over the world! At present, the demand for software talents in China has reached one million. In the next five years, the demand for qualified software talents will far exceed the supply. Software development engineers are in great demand in the IT industry, with high salaries and good benefits, so if they study technology, college students can consider learning java programming technology.