My personal growth experience is relatively simple. Ben Shuo studied at Beihang University, and has been working in Chinese Academy of Sciences since graduation, during which he completed his doctoral studies. My work is also related to my major, and I have been engaged in the development of aerospace products. I have been working in 13 since 2007. I left my job last year and started a commercial aerospace company, which is located in the component development of the Aerospace Communication Department. As a doctor of science and engineering in Chinese Academy of Sciences, the reasons for choosing to continue my MBA are as follows: First, I have been studying science and engineering, and now I start my own business, hoping to form a systematic understanding of company management; Secondly, it has always been my dream to study in Peking University since I was a child, so now I will take time to listen to some courses of literature, history and philosophy in addition to the management courses of the college.
Although my foundation is good and I have achieved good results in the early interview, the composition and logic in the written test are still very difficult for me, who has not been exposed to textbooks for many years. Fortunately, I met Boyahui's teacher in the preparation for the exam and learned subjects that I was not good at. The teacher helped me analyze and integrate from multiple dimensions and got a lot of improvement. Finally, it helped me successfully land in Peking University.
Thank you very much for your help. I will continue to study, continue to set out, and be on the road forever.