Expenditure on cultural and sports activities: used for the purchase, lease and maintenance of equipment, clothing and supplies. The funds required by the grass-roots trade unions to carry out or participate in amateur cultural and sports activities organized by the higher-level trade unions, as well as the rental expenses of venues and vehicles.
Matters needing attention in the use of trade union funds
Grass-roots trade unions can distribute Chinese traditional holiday supplies and daily necessities necessary for employees on legal holidays, and the total amount of each member per year does not exceed 1.600 yuan. No cash shall be distributed, and no items prohibited by the relevant provisions of the central government and this province shall be distributed.
Grass-roots trade union organizations use trade union funds to offer birthday condolences to trade union members. They can present birthday cakes and other condolences to members, or they can designate cake shops to receive cake coupons. The amount per person shall not exceed 300 yuan, and the grass-roots trade unions shall give certain rewards to outstanding students (including self-study) in employee education activities, and the amount per person shall not exceed 500 yuan.