Skill test
Electrician training's skill test is not only a theoretical test, but also a demonstration of practical skills. Every skill needs to be mastered in order to pass the exam.
Safety technology assessment
Electrician training's safety technology assessment adopts a two-pronged approach of theoretical examination and practical operation to ensure that students can not only know, but also know.
List of Essential Knowledge for Low-voltage Electricians
From the basic knowledge of electrical safety to indoor wiring, from asynchronous motor to shunt capacitor, electrician training provides a comprehensive list of necessary knowledge to help you become a versatile electrician.
Advanced course of high voltage electrician
Advanced courses of high-voltage electrician in electrician training Middle School include power system, power grid, relay protection device, etc., and answer every question in detail.
Registration materials are ready.
Electrician training's application materials include a one-inch color photo and a copy of his ID card. After passing the exam, you will get your dream electrician certificate.