Skill test
Electrician training adopts the method of theory and practice examination to test the mastery of skills and knowledge.
Safety technology assessment
Electrician training's safety technology examination includes theoretical computer examination and practical electrical device safety regulation examination.
Low voltage electrician
The assessment contents of low-voltage electricians include an overview of electrician's safe operation, basic knowledge of electricians, common electrical instruments, basic knowledge of electrical safety, technical and organizational measures to ensure safety, electrical safety protection technology, electrical fire prevention, explosion prevention and fighting, grounding and lightning protection, common low-voltage appliances, asynchronous motors, shunt capacitors, other electrical equipment, electrical lighting and indoor wiring, and electrical circuits.
High voltage electrician
The assessment contents of high-voltage electricians include power system and power grid, basic laws and relations of electrotechnics, electrical instruments and measurements, distribution transformers, transformers, high-voltage appliances and complete sets, relay protection devices and secondary circuits, lightning protection and grounding zero connection, overhead lines and cable lines, parallel capacitors and reactive power compensation, operation and management of power transformation and distribution stations, electrical safety technology, and standby power supply operation.
Registration materials
Electrician training's application materials include 4 one-inch color photos, 2 copies of ID card (front and back), and electrician certificate issued after passing the examination.