How much is the tuition training for the first grade?
How much is the tuition training for the first grade? I want to take the price provided by the perfect score training school as the market price of objective extracurricular tutoring and tutoring. The specific price will fluctuate according to the objective factors such as the city, distance, course difficulty and tutorial time, but it will not change much. Sign (1) Pre-school to fifth grade: 90- 140/ hour; (2) Grade 6-8: 100- 150/ hour; (3) Grade 9-Grade 2: 120-6544. (1) Pre-school to Grade 5: 80- 120/ hour; (2) Grade 6-8: 90- 140/ hour; (3) Grade 9-Grade 2: 100- 150. 111111111. (2) Grade 6-8: 50-90/ hour; (3) Grade 9-Grade 2: 60- 100/ hour; (4)