Through the study of spondylopathy and spinal system diseases, it is found that 100% of sub-health symptoms are caused by dislocation of spinal articular process. The dislocation of the articular process of the spine makes the balance of the spine unstable, and makes the spinal nerve, sympathetic parasympathetic nerve and vertebral artery compressed and pulled, which causes spinal diseases, and then directly leads to various diseases. When the spine is out of balance, the "trunk" of the human body is out of balance, and so are the internal organs. When the spine is sick, various diseases will occur. Therefore, maintaining the health of the spine can eliminate sub-health symptoms, which can never be ignored.
Chinese chiropractor 20 17 is known as the most promising new profession in Chinese medicine. On August 16, Beijing Tiaowen Dangerous Vertebral Disease Inheritance Service Center exclusively launched the first phase of TCM chiropractor vocational training program. In China, students can only take part in the training and assessment of Beijing Carved sinister spine disease inheritance service center. Only in this way can we obtain the vocational training certificate of Chinese chiropractors issued by the talent exchange center of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This is the first authoritative vocational training certificate in the field of spine of traditional Chinese medicine in China, which is universal in the whole country, professional and high in gold content.