If you want to take the self-taught exam, it will be difficult. Of course, where there is a will, there is a way, and some of them have completely passed the self-study exam of three-level psychological counselors. First of all, there are two subjects in taking this certificate, practical exercises and theoretical questions. The actual operation is to be done through several cases, which will involve a lot of knowledge, that is, all the recited big questions will be applied to the actual operation, and the difficulty will be more difficult than the theoretical questions. Theoretical problems are not very difficult. As long as you read a book, you will usually do it. Theoretical papers are all multiple-choice questions. Although it is not difficult, the exam is more detailed, so you must read more books. Another key point is: if you want to pass the exam, you must download the exam questions from the internet, such as the real questions in the last three or four years. More practice will help you pass the exam.
Textbooks and reference books are as follows:
1. Training materials: national vocational qualification training courses: Psychological Counselor, Basic Knowledge, Skill Appraisal (Level 3), Skill Appraisal (Level 2) and Counseling Problem Set.
2. Training content: Basic knowledge includes basic psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, psychology and health psychology, psychometrics, consulting psychology, professional ethics and relevant legal provisions. Operational skills include psychological diagnosis skills, psychological examination skills and psychological counseling skills.
Conditions for applying for the professional qualification examination for psychological counselors
1. psychological counselor level 2 (graduate degree, intermediate title)
2. Psychological counselor level 3 (college degree or above is enough)