(1) cognitive performance
Cognitive achievement can be used to measure the trainees' understanding, familiarity and mastery of the basic principles, procedures, steps, approaches, methods or processes emphasized in training programs.
(2) Skill achievement
Skill scores can be used to evaluate the trainees' operational skills, skills or the level of skills and behaviors emphasized in the training plan.
(3) Emotional achievement
Emotional achievement can be used to measure the attitude, motivation and behavioral characteristics of trainees to training programs, such as trainees' various reactions to training programs.
(4) Performance results
The performance results can be used to evaluate the impact of trainee training on individual or organizational performance through this project, and also provide a basis for the decision-making of human resource development and training cost planning of enterprises.
(5) Return on investment
Return on investment refers to the comparison of monetary benefits and training costs of training programs. It is one of the most commonly used quantitative analysis methods to analyze the cost-benefit of training projects and calculate the return on investment of training.