Exams are divided into two categories: theory and practice, in which the theoretical knowledge exam is a computer exam, the test questions are extracted from the forklift exam question bank, and the practice exam is a column exam. These projects include S-type stacking, forklift pallet stacking, ramp starting, dumping and storage. And on-site sampling, so if you want to get a forklift license, you must be able to drive a forklift.
If you can't drive a forklift yet, you can go to a training school for training for a while and then refer to it. Learning from scratch generally takes about 7- 15 days. The training will be taught item by item, and the coach will guide the technical points of the forklift. Just like learning a driver's license, driving a forklift is very easy to learn. Those who want to learn a forklift can go to the scene and have a look.