With the development of social productive forces and the need of medical practice, bone needles, bamboo needles and pottery needles came into being. In Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, with the development of metallurgical technology, the quality of needles has also changed, and copper needles, iron needles, silver needles and synthetic silver needles have appeared successively. During the Warring States period, the "Nine Needles" reappeared, which experienced a long evolution process. With the clinical application of acupuncture, the content of acupuncture therapy is constantly enriched and the means are changing with each passing day. On the basis of traditional acupuncture, scalp acupuncture, eye acupuncture, hand acupuncture, foot acupuncture, ear acupuncture, facial acupuncture, tongue acupuncture, chiropractic acupuncture and abdominal acupuncture were invented. Especially in recent decades, acupuncture therapy combined with the latest achievements of modern science and technology has produced ultrasonic needles, electroacupuncture, magnetic pole needles, light needles and electric circular needles. From the original meridian acupuncture therapy to acupoint ligation, acupoint cutting, acupoint sealing, meridian water acupuncture therapy and new nine-needle therapy, small and wide needle therapy, needle knife therapy, pine needle therapy, small needle knife therapy and so on. It can be said that a hundred flowers blossom and show their magical powers. It laid a rich and solid foundation for the formation of a new subject of acupotomy medicine.
Since the late 1980s, the author has been summing up experience in a lot of clinical practice, and since the late 1990s, he has been engaged in the teaching and training of water needle and knife technique in China. At the same time, in clinical and teaching work, the author found that there are some shortcomings in many therapies, such as: small needle knife, which has obvious therapeutic effect, but the needle body is solid and can not be withdrawn for detection, which is blind and can not be released simultaneously; In addition, the shape of the knife is single, so it is impossible to choose the knife flexibly according to the needs of the disease. Due to the birth of water needle knife, the shortcomings of small needle knife are overcome, and it can be drawn back in one step for testing and drug injection and release. However, because the needle body has no scale, no controller and poor holding strength, it brings many inconveniences to clinical operation.
The author absorbed the essence of ancient and modern special acupuncture therapy, water acupuncture therapy and other acupotomy therapies, improved and innovated them, and formed a set of relatively perfect and reasonable "multifunctional new liquid acupotomy" series knives. On this basis, a unique liquid acupotomy therapy is formed. It not only has the acupuncture effect, but also has the functions of cutting, loosening, peeling and sealing operation of the needle knife. It can inject related drugs and gases, and the needle body also has a scale line and a safety controller to control the depth of the needle. Especially in the treatment of cervical and lumbar diseases, it can fully reflect its superiority and safety. This therapy can flexibly choose different types and shapes of liquid needle knives according to the needs of clinical diseases, which is simple, safe and reliable in clinical use and worth popularizing and applying.
In addition, it is worth noting that there are threads (coils) on the handle, which play an anti-slip role during operation. At the same time, it also has a function that is not easy to attract people's attention, that is, receiving and transmitting normal "biological information." Therefore, what we call "liquid needle knife" is also called "multifunctional biological liquid needle knife". Liquid needle knife surgery is a successful attempt to combine minimally invasive surgery with biotherapy. Can it be said that "the future is bound to be a medical stage of bio-informationization, or an era of information medicine"? .