Different customers have different needs and choices. Buy or not, not by eyes, not by mouth, but by skill.
Shopping malls, specialty stores and so on in daily life like to package their own language and communication methods [discounts, rebates, gifts, etc. ] Do some visible services. I think this is very possible, but it is easy to ignore the feelings of customers, the value needs of goods and so on. Just introduce your own advantages and try to avoid your own shortage of goods. Sometimes you will find that the negative effects of making some goods for your prospective customers will have unexpected effects, which will make customers feel that your way can make them feel that you are not only a simple guide, but also their mentor, which will make them trust you more.
Frequent copying in daily life is a headache. When you meet a customer, you should put yourself in the other's shoes. Empathy is also a way to eliminate inner confusion and let yourself know what to say to make customers feel comfortable.
In the field of sales, customers' purchasing power and desire, customers' manners and clothes, etc. can better enter their own roles [of course, you can't watch others order]