Characteristics of wolves: wolves can challenge their own wolf king when they grow up. If the challenge is successful, they will become the new Wolf King. The injured loser will leave the wolves and die slowly. Wolves are very loyal and United animals. They have a strong sense of order. Adult male wolves strut in front of all female wolves and then howl at the wolves, which is a signal to challenge the wolf king. The challenge is fair. All male wolves can challenge the Wolf King. In a one-on-one battle, other wolves watch, and the mother wolf will stop any unfair behavior together. The fighting was fierce. Basically, the unsuccessful challenger will only die. Once the challenge is successful, the old wolf king will die unless he can escape in time. Generally speaking, the leader of a wolf pack is the strongest and most cunning male wolf, who has the most females and enjoys the right to food first. However, some scientists have found that North American wolves are led by female wolves. ?