1, company profile
The company's business scope, entrepreneurial history, company status, position in the industry, future prospects, business philosophy and corporate culture, functions of organizations and departments, personnel structure, salary and welfare policies, training system, etc.
2. Employee code
Enterprise rules and regulations, reward and punishment regulations, code of conduct, etc.
3. Financial system
Expense reimbursement procedures and related procedures, processes and the application and use of office equipment.
4. Field visits
Visit various departments of the enterprise and public places such as work and entertainment.
5. Induction training
Job responsibilities, business knowledge and skills, business processes, departmental business peripheral relations, etc. In the whole training, understanding and cognition have been paid attention to and reflected. However, many enterprises have not been well implemented in helping employees to enter his new career starting point better and faster and lead him on the road, especially how to adjust their status in place.