2.PHP is free. Compared with other technologies, PHP itself is free.
3, php is fast, the program development is fast, the operation is fast, and the learning of the technology itself is also fast. Embedding HTML: Because PHP can embed HTML language, it is easier to edit, more practical and more suitable for beginners than other languages.
4. Strong cross-platform: Because PHP is a script running on the server side, it can run under UNIX, LINUX and WINDOWS.
5. High efficiency: PHP consumes very little system resources.
6. Image processing: dynamically create images with PHP.
7. Object-oriented: In php 4 and php 5, the object-oriented aspect has been greatly improved, and now you can develop large-scale commercial programs with PHP.
8, professional focus: PHP supports scripting languages, both of which are C-like languages. For more information, please refer to the far standard.