♀? Creative fitness game
According to the specific situation of different children, different sports modes and creative fitness games are designed to stimulate children's interest in sports through games. Children can create wonderful body fancy movements with correct posture and movements, and develop their thinking and creativity.
Group social spirit
Let children learn group social spirit, exercise good physique, reduce various diseases caused by obesity, maintain vitality and calmly cope with changes in the external environment.
♀? take exercise
The first time a child runs, jumps, falls, climbs, runs around the pile, dodges and balances is the first step for him to know the world with his own body. Every bone, every muscle, the speed of every heartbeat, the depth of breathing, explosive force or muscle endurance, speed or sensitivity, balance or coordination, etc. , all need regular and systematic training in childhood.
♀? Balance training
The gradual balance training of children's physical fitness can help children gradually master the basic to advanced balance function, balance step and agility training.