Do you have any good information about the CIA exam?
For the selection of CIA exam review materials for international registered internal auditors, we strongly recommend candidates to use CIA study cards, red books and exam guides (e-books are included in the cards, or designated counseling books). Because the CIA exam is an international exam, which is obviously different from the traditional domestic exam, there is no so-called teaching material, and many questions in the counseling books can't be answered. Many people think that domestic exams can't be finished in a few years. The CIA exam draws questions from a fixed question bank every year to form a test paper, so there are many repetitions between the test questions and those that have appeared before. This is the greatest value of the CIA study card in the online school of the senior high school entrance examination, and it is also the biggest feature of the CIA exam. The CIA study card includes training lectures, question bank, electronic examination book, download center, simulated examination room and pre-test sprint questions (the highest value). In recent years, the effect of CIA study card simulation examination room is very obvious, which can get twice the result with half the effort!