Engaged in neurology and cerebrovascular diseases for 20 years. He is good at risk factor control of cerebrovascular diseases, cerebrovascular intervention and stroke, etiological diagnosis and treatment of various cerebrovascular diseases, stroke unit therapy, diagnosis of carotid and cerebral artery stenosis or occlusion, cerebrovascular angioplasty and endovascular stent therapy. He has unique views on the diagnosis, repair and treatment of brain nerve injury of senile dementia and other neurodegenerative dementia.
He has published more than 40 papers1in domestic core journals and international authoritative journals, among which the first author published 5 English SCI papers1,and the first author won 6 provincial and ministerial scientific and technological progress awards. As the main person in charge, he has undertaken many projects such as National Natural Fund, Jiangsu Outstanding Talents Fund, Ministry of Health of the General Logistics Department, and Nanjing Military Region Key Medical Research Fund. The main research directions include regeneration and repair of central nervous system injury, interventional therapy of cerebrovascular diseases and registration of cerebrovascular diseases. A number of postdoctoral, doctoral and master students have been trained.