063 1 restaurant and catering service manager 081/junior production manager (except agriculture) (added) 1 122 professional occupation of business service management (added) 1233 insurance adjustment and claim settlement (added) 2 0 architect (newly adjusted) 3 1 1 specialist 31/general practitioner and family doctor 31/dentist (newly added) 313/pharmacist. 3222 oral hygienist and dental therapist (added) 3233 certified nurse 4 15 1 psychotherapist (added) 4 152 social worker (added) 624 1 chef 6242 chef 72 15 contractor and supervisor (. (Except for industrial and power systems) 7242 Industrial Electrician 725 1 Plumber 7265 Welder and related machinery operator 73 12 Heavy equipment machinery 737 1 Crane operator 7372 Electric driller and blaster-supervisor of open-pit mining, quarrying and construction 8222, oil and gas drilling and service.
Each province and city also has its own separate occupation. You can send me a message specifically.