The use of complementary colors
Red, green, blue and yellow are used together to form a strong contrast. The use of this color can make the room full of vigor and vitality, which is very suitable for spaces that need a lively atmosphere, such as software companies or Internet companies.
Use the same color in a large area
If you use cool colors, you should balance a small amount of warm colors. On the other hand, if you use warm colors, use cool colors to decorate, and the effect is equally ideal.
Stable color selection
Desk, cupboard, sofa, etc. Not suitable for bright colors: you can choose stable mahogany or imitation bronze, and the background color is suitable for neutral colors.
Choose a color according to the size of the space.
Narrow space should use cool colors to expand the sense of space, and too large space can be compact with warm colors.
The influence of color on employees
Yellow can play an encouraging role and inspire employees to generate more inspiration; Light blue is easy to be depressed and absorbed by work; Gray usually feels dull black; Fatigue tends to be slow and easy, and the enthusiasm for completing tasks is greatly reduced.