VMWare certification sets certification standards for IT professionals and defines the key skills that enterprises need to adopt and manage technologies that can improve their expected performance. VMWare certification can provide more choices in terms of selection levels and technical fields, and has the following advantages:
1, greater flexibility and better career development.
2. Win greater trust from employers, colleagues and customers.
3. It can make the content of VMware training courses more consistent with the certification requirements.
Related information introduction:
1, Risk and Information System Control (CRISC) certification
The Risk and Information System Control Certification (CRISC) exam will mainly test four aspects: identification, evaluation, response and mitigation, and control monitoring and reporting.
2. Registered Information Security Manager (CISM)
Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certificate jumped from the eighth place last year to the third place in 2020, becoming the highest paid discipline, with its focus on information security management. Your job will be to design security protocols and manage the company's security.
3. Assistant 3.AWS Certified Solution Architect
AWS solution architect certification has returned to the list, becoming the second most demanding IT certification in 2020. AWS solution architect certification tests your expertise in designing systems on AWS.