Volume (high volume)
The most intuitive feature of big data is volume. The amount of data has exploded, from GB to TB to PB and EB. This means that we need smarter algorithms, powerful data processing platforms and technologies to meet the challenge of such large-scale data.
Variety (variety)
Diversity is another major feature of big data. Both structured log data and unstructured data such as pictures, audio and video can play an important role in big data. In order to make full use of these data, we need to mark them manually to reveal their hidden value.
Speed (high speed)
Speed is a prominent feature of the era of big data. Data is generated quickly and needs to be processed in time. For the platform, the saved data usually only covers the past few days or a month, and the farther data needs to be cleaned up in time. This requires the server to have powerful processing and computing capabilities to realize real-time analysis.
Value (value)
Value is the most important feature of big data. As long as we are good at mining, we can get incredible value from seemingly insignificant data. This is also the reason why today's society attaches great importance to big data.