Surgical experience: 3 100 cases of joint replacement, the success rate was 99.6%, the mortality rate was 0, the main complications were 0, and the surgical infection rate was 0. Arthroscopic surgery10,200 cases, the success rate was 95%, the main complication was 0, and the surgical infection rate was 0.0 1%. Member of International Arthroscopy Association, International Knee Joint Society and International Arthroscopy, Knee Joint and Sports Medicine Society. 1988 was awarded by Richard of North American Arthroscopy Association. The O 'Connor Prize is the only Asian winner at present.
Hospital management training experience: training target: more than 10,000 hospital presidents, department directors and head nurses nationwide. Content: 1. People-oriented medical care; 2. Modern hospital management; 3. Problems and countermeasures in the reform of hospital system and mechanism.