Freeze-frame animation is a special animation form, which is isomorphic with hand-drawn animation (2D) and computer animation (3D) into three categories of modern animation. Free-frame animation, also known as frame-by-frame animation, uses characters, scenes, props and other materials, combined with wood, clay, cloth, metal and other materials, to make a simple, lovely and interesting model with bold and rich imagination, and finally presents a lovely, pure and beautiful fantasy car world. Shoot frame by frame on the scene built in kind, and then edit tens of millions of photos into a dynamic picture. These characteristics make stop-motion animation a work of art in animation, making it more concise and realistic. Rich colors, natural three-dimensional image and other characteristics. Finally, it presents the aesthetic feeling of making everything move and giving life to all things in the world.
Stop-motion animation is a very rare form in the world. Because of the complexity of production and the development of computer technology, the form of stop-motion animation is becoming less and less common. 20 1 1 year, the output of domestic TV cartoons is 435 for 26 1224 minutes, but there is not a stop-motion animation. Because of the complexity of hand-making, stop-motion animation can never become the mainstream animation form, and because of the characteristics of hand-making, stop-motion animation is more like a work of art, which has unique charm that other animation forms can't replace and can bring more artistic enjoyment to children.