Modern pedicure is a combination of China's traditional medicine and modern medical theory. Modern medicine believes that the foot is distributed with foot reflex zones corresponding to various parts of the body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the meridians of the human body are channels for running qi and blood, which connect the zang-fu organs, communicate inside and outside, and connect up and down to keep the body in harmony and balance. There are six meridians in the foot, which are connected with other meridians. By massaging the meridians of the foot, the acupoints distributed on the meridians and the reflex zone of the foot, the whole body can be adjusted, the metabolism of the body can be strengthened, the yin and yang can be balanced, and the physiological functions of viscera and organs can be coordinated.
Traditional foot massage methods mainly include pushing, pressing, pointing, kneading, pinching, etc., and only foot massage is done. Jiafufuqiao pedicure starts from the foot and massages, relaxes and adjusts the whole body from the bottom up. At the same time, the original pedicure methods are summarized, sorted out, summarized and improved, and a set of innovative and unique methods are introduced. Such as relaxation, oiling, random acupuncture, climbing jade fingers and so on. , subdivided into spinning Kun Kun, playing mandarin duck, finding a needle in a haystack, shaking the dragon's tail, etc. In particular, the employees of Fuqiao have gone through the basic training of professional norms in the training school, and they take up their posts after passing the examination, so as to achieve unified and standardized operation and strict management, which has established a new trend in the health care industry, played their own brand and won people's good reputation.
Sub-health is a critical state between health and disease. According to statistics, people in sub-health state account for about two-thirds of the total population. They often feel tired, lose appetite or lack of concentration, nervous, anxious or unable to sleep well and confused. Traditional medicine is promising, such as medicated diet, acupuncture, washing, scraping, pedicure, qigong, health massage and so on. In particular, health pedicure can help healthy qi, drive away evil spirits, prevent diseases and effectively regulate sub-health state by dredging meridians and harmonizing qi and blood. The stimulation intensity of pedicure varies from person to person, which can be strong or weak, suitable for men, women and children, and is one of the ideal treatments for disease prevention and health care.