Points indicate the direction, are symbols of graphic description, and have specific quantitative significance about modeling. Look at the azimuth point first and find out its base point, pole, right point, left point, near point and far point. These points define the whole range of objects and the size share relationship between faces. Look at the transfer point, just like the transportation hub, connecting the lines and surfaces in the form.
2. Lines
The lines drawn by cartoon figures are generated by the directional movement of points. Line is the continuation of point motion, and it connects the starting point and the ending point. Any sketch is made up of countless lines. Lines are the backbone of character description and have infinite charm.
3. Auxiliary line
Refers to the imaginary line on which the body is portrayed. These lines help us to grasp the dynamic potential and all the characteristics of the form, and are conducive to the orderly progress from the whole to the part when we embody the form.
4. Summary line
The contour line reflects the turning point of the body. In the process of animation hand-drawing, the expression of generalization line requires from straight line to curve, from external generalization to internal generalization, thus forming the three-dimensional structure of the object.
5. Face
The combination of countless points or the action of countless lines visually constitutes a surface and the surface moves.