1. 1 Java virtual machine and cross-platform principle of Java
1.2 Construction of Java Development Environment
1.3 Experience the process of Java programming
Setting of 1.4 class path
1.5 Effective use of Java documentation help
1.6 JVM (virtual machine) runs the process.
1.7 garbage collector
1.8 introduction of decompiler tools
Chapter 2 Java programming foundation
2. 1 Java basic syntax format
2.2 Variables and the scope of variables
2.3 Functions and Function Overloading
2.4 operators in Java
2.5 Process control of the program
2.6 array
Chapter III Object-Oriented (I)
3. 1 Object-oriented concept
3.2 Classes and objects
3.3 builder
3.4 This reference handle
3.5 Knowledge related to garbage collection
3.6 Parameter Transfer of Functions
3.7 static keywords
3.8 Internal categories
3.9 using Java document annotations
Chapter IV Object-Oriented (Part II)
4. 1 class inheritance
4.2 abstract classes and interfaces
4.3 Polymorphism of the object
4.4 Abnormal
4.5 packaging
4.6 Access control
4.7 using jar files
The fifth chapter multithreading
5. 1 How to create and understand threads
5.2 Multi-thread synchronization
5.3 Communication between threads
5.4 Thread Life Control
Chapter VI Java API
6. 1 Understand the concept of API
6.2 Introduction and use of tools and software
6.3 String Class and stringbuffer Class
6.4 Object wrapper classes of basic data types
6.5 Set categories
6.6 Hash tables and attribute classes
6.7 System Class and Runtime Class
6.8 Date and Calendar, Date Format Class
6.9 Mathematics and Random Courses
6. 10 Method of learning API
Chapter VII Input and Output
7. 1 file class
7.2 RandomAccessFile class
7.3 Node Process
7.4 Filter Flow and Packaging Category
Advanced applications in 7.5 IO
Chapter 8 GUI (1)
8. 1 first encounter with AWT
8.2 AWT thread
8.3 AWT event handling
8.4 Graphical operations on GUI components
Chapter 9 Graphical User Interface GUI (2)
9. 1 general AWT component
9.2 Layout Manager
9.3 swing
Chapter 10 applet
10. 1 How does the browser display the webpage?
10.2 browser's process of processing webpage script code
How to deal with applets in 10.3 browser?
10.4 Applet class and its method
10.5 shows the program of animation applet.
10.6 Some details about Java
10.7 Verify how the Applet object exists on the client.
Chapter 11 Network Programming
1 1. 1 network programming basics
1 1.2 Java programming UDP network program
1 1.3 Java to write TCP network programs