In the simulation equipment, simulated flight can be carried out, so as to achieve the purpose of verification, evaluation, optimization and training. Compared with the BW-1 single-axis stabilizer improved by J-6, the k-8v adopts the fly-by-wire flight control system with redundancy and mechanical guarantee, and realizes three-axis stability. It is a practical variable stability test model. In the future, k-8v will develop into five-axis stability, equipped with optical fiber transmission flight control system, and realize digital full authority control of the engine. During the period of 1998, the fly-by-wire flight control system of the first flight team of a new fighter plane developed by our country carried out the flight characteristics training and flight quality evaluation demonstration of the k-8v stabilizer fly-by-wire flight control system. After training and demonstration, the evaluation of the test pilot shows that the approach and landing of the new fighter are more realistic, especially the human sensory system and the attitude angle response of the aircraft are realistic; Realistic in vertical and horizontal directions, with a slight sense of course damping; Pilots can obviously experience the change of flying quality when different parameters change in the air, which is a good teaching and training means. It can be used for test pilot training of this new fighter and other fly-by-wire aircraft.