Haikou is close to Guangzhou. If you take it, even if the wholesale price should not be low, you can wholesale it from Guangzhou, because many of them are manufacturers here. If there is wholesale in Haikou, it is second-hand. If your quantity is not very large, you can find it locally. If the quantity is relatively large, I personally suggest that it would be better to deliver the goods from Guangzhou. Not only the quality is good, but also the price is more cost-effective.
If you are free in March next year, you can go to Guangzhou Meibo Fair to buy it yourself. One of the best manufacturers in the country will attend the exhibition. The goods are not only complete, but also wholesale in price!
If you want to be an agent there, you can contact me! China's No.1 Tattoo Brand-Bayer Tattoo
Only Hainan and Tibet in our country have no agents, and other regions are full.
hope this helps