Dim WB as workbook, YN as boolean.
Dim Hzsht, Tjsht as worksheets.
Dim RowHz is as long as RowTj.
For each WB in the workbook
If WB. Name = "formtianjin. xlxls" and then
YN = correct
Quit for ...
If ... it will be over.
If YN = false, then the workbook. Open this workbook. Path and path. "\ from Tianjin. xls "
For i = 1 to 3
Set Hzsht = Workbooks ("table summary. xls”)。 Bedsheet (1)
Set Tjsht = Workbooks ("form Tianjin. xls”)。 Bedsheet (1)
RowHz = Hzsht。 UsedRange.Rows.Count
RowTj = Tjsht。 UsedRange.Rows.Count
Tjsht。 rows(" 2:" & amp; RowTj)。 Copy Hzsht. Range ("A" & ampRowHz+1)
End joint