To sum up:
Anti-counterfeiting certificate is a professional certificate issued by the People's Bank of China, which is used to prove the holder's professional knowledge and skills in currency anti-counterfeiting technology. This certificate is widely used in banking, commerce, currency identification and other fields as effective evidence to identify counterfeit money.
Legal basis:
Article 25 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China stipulates: "The People's Bank of China may issue professional certificates for identifying and preventing counterfeit money for financial institutions and specific business activities according to needs."
According to this regulation, the People's Bank of China has the right to issue anti-counterfeiting certificates to promote the professional knowledge and skills of financial institutions and specific business activities in currency anti-counterfeiting technology, improve the ability to identify counterfeit money, and ensure the stability and security of financial markets.
It should be noted that the anti-counterfeiting certificate is a professional certificate, and the holder must undergo strict training and examination to obtain it. At the same time, the holder must constantly learn and update the currency anti-counterfeiting technology to adapt to the ever-changing counterfeit currency making technology and means.