Exam preparation experience
First of all, we should review the knowledge points comprehensively, try our best to be comprehensive and not to miss them, so as to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study, find the connection between various knowledge points, and find the connection between each chapter and section of knowledge.
Second, start to do all kinds of questions, and try to practice using knowledge through various forms of questions. At the same time, we should master all kinds of problem-solving ideas and exercise our ability to analyze and solve problems through problem-solving exercises. Think and try as much as possible.
Third, we must learn to check for leaks and fill gaps. Through repeated review, on the one hand, we can strengthen knowledge and memory, on the other hand, we can find mistakes and make up for omissions, so as to master knowledge more comprehensively and deeply and improve our ability. Review is like? Pancakes It takes several times to cook. Memory also needs to be strengthened, and it is difficult to remember without repeated reinforcement.
Fourth, many students complain that there are too many review materials and they can't grasp the foundation. It is the foundation, the basic knowledge is the outline, and it is the main requirement of the exam. Problem-solving thinking is a starting point for analyzing and solving problems on the basis of solid basic knowledge. No matter how difficult the topic is, it is nothing more than a synthesis or variation of the basic things.
Fifth, we should maintain a good mental state. There is a saying that you can try and win. Hard work is a state of mind of active participation, a state of mind of daring to work hard and pursuing victory. Whether reviewing or in the examination room, we need to be full of emotions and publicity, not depression and depression, excitement rather than dullness, courage rather than timidity.
Examination skills
1, painting skills
The most common problem of standardized test candidates is that the filling is not standardized, which leads to errors in machine marking. The simple way to overcome this kind of problem is to sharpen the pencil well. Don't sharpen the pencil, it should be thicker, and the pencil should be sharpened into a horseshoe shape or directly cut into a square shape, so that an answer information point can be drawn with only two strokes at most, which is fast and standardized.
Pay great attention to the exam, and don't leave out or misplace the exam subjects and test numbers. After receiving the answer sheet, don't be busy answering questions. Make the header of the answer sheet as required under the unified organization of the invigilator? Two fillings and two coats? , that is, fill in the name and admission ticket number with a blue or black pencil and ballpoint pen; Black out the examination subjects and admission ticket number with 2B pencil.
2. Answering skills
Trial coating separation transplantation method. In this way, after receiving the test questions, candidates are not in a hurry to answer on the answer sheet, but first examine the questions and gently mark the answers they think are correct on the corresponding test papers. After reviewing the questions, carefully examine whether the answers you have chosen are correct, and transplant them to the answer sheet in turn after checking repeatedly to make sure that they will not change.
Combination of inspection and coating. This method is that after receiving the test questions, the candidates will review the questions, fill in the corresponding positions on the answer sheet, color them while reviewing the questions, and go hand in hand.
Methods of marking and weighing. This method is that after candidates get the test questions, they will use a pencil to gently record the selected answers in the corresponding positions on the answer sheet (you can gently tick or draw) while reviewing the questions. After confirmation, the recorded answer sheet will be blackened.
3. Guess and answer skills
Multiple choice questions have the possibility of guessing points, which is called opportunity points. This kind of opportunity is equal for every candidate. As long as this opportunity is grasped correctly, the exam will not be unfair.
(a) The opportunity to guess and answer multiple-choice questions.
Standardized exams are mostly single-choice questions, such as four-choice questions. To answer such questions, first of all, we should pay attention to whether there are provisions for deducting points for wrong answers in the description of the questions. If not, don't give up when you encounter a question that you can't definitely choose the right answer. You should guess and answer. If there is a penalty for wrong answers in the description of the test questions, candidates are not allowed to guess and answer a question that cannot be ruled out by interference items. But if you can definitely eliminate one or two interferences, you can guess the remaining options. At this time, the chances of scoring are greater than the chances of losing points.
(B) multiple-choice "guess and answer" opportunities
Multiple choice questions are not easy to guess, but there are still basic ways to answer them:
(1) Exclusion method: multiple-choice questions are all correct in two or more answers, and there are at most two interference items (errors). Therefore, when encountering this kind of problem, the elimination method is the most common. First, eliminate the options that you think are incorrect, and the rest are options.
(2) Analysis method: Put all four options into the test questions, compare them vertically and horizontally, analyze them one by one, get rid of mistakes and seek truth from facts, and get the ideal answer.
(3) Language sense method: When you can't find sufficient basis to determine the correct option in the answer, you can read the topic silently for several times. If you feel uncomfortable reading and the language is fluent, you can determine the answer.
(4) Analogy: If one of the four options does not belong to the same category, then the remaining three are options. If there are two options that cannot be classified, choose a group of options as your own according to the optimization method.
(5) Inference: Using context to infer the meaning of words. Some test questions should start with the structure and grammar knowledge in the sentence, judge its meaning with the common sense accumulated at ordinary times, infer the logical conditions and conclusions, and then choose the correct options accurately.