How much is the training fee for Class B pet beautician?
The cost of study varies from school to school. For example, the standard training hours for class B beauticians in Hadaomeng Pet Beauty Training School are 2 months and 3 months, and the price is 1.8 million to 2 1. Its content has little change from grade C, the fundamental difference is that grade C of the same dog breed may only learn one or two modeling pruning methods. For example, there are at least 200 modeling poodles, while Class C has basically learned only one pruning method for sportswear and teddy clothes. However, the B-level training is not to teach you a few ways to trim the fixed shape, but to learn how to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study by guiding and understanding the characteristics of the dog breed, and to design according to the characteristics of the dog without violating the basic standards of the dog breed. In addition, in order to give B-level students more room for development after graduation, the school specially increased the maintenance specialty of the participating dogs.