Plaster therapy is a kind of external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. When the plaster is applied locally, the local skin will be closed. Coupled with the heat preservation effect of plaster, it will accelerate local blood circulation, diminish inflammation and relieve pain. Most of the fine materials in plaster products contain aromatic drugs, which have strong permeability and can be directly absorbed by subcutaneous tissue, playing the role of detumescence, analgesia, removing putrefaction and promoting granulation. Zheng Miao Chinese Medicine Plaster Training Course is a professional Chinese medicine new plaster training course and black plaster training school, covering a variety of plaster making methods, but personally, it is better to be cautious. After all, plaster training scams have occurred from time to time in recent years. If you want to know, you must be vigilant.
1. What are the basic skills of ballet?
The basic skills of ballet can be divided into three categories: ground quality training exercises, upper exercises an